Jasmine`s Magic Parties
Easter Bunny Mascot Garden Visit

Easter Bunny Mascot Garden Visit

Easter Bunny


Easter is Coming!


It’s been a long, long lockdown. Celebrate Easter this year by booking an Easter Bunny Mascot to deliver Eggs to your children. Super Fun and Great Memories! 

Create a magical surprise for your children and have fun this Easter in a simple social distancing  stress free way - book the Easter Bunny Mascot to come to you with some M & S Chocolate Eggs in a bucket.  Let the Bunny into your Garden and they will start hiding eggs in the garden. Guide your children to the window and they will spot the Bunny who will wave to the children and you can take lots of social distancing photos with them- the Bunny will then leave the Eggs and Bucket for your family to enjoy. Visits are £45 per visit.

Contact me on jasmine@jasminesmagicparties.co.uk for more details.